In-toeing, or walking pigeon-toed, is a really common gait issue in young children, particularly in toddlers learning to walk. The most common culprits include a curve in the feet, which is visible at birth and can be corrected with stretching or taping; a slight twist in the shin bone, which is noticeable in toddlers who can stand or walk; or a rotation at the hips, which is most noticeable in children older than 3 or 4.
While it’s a good idea to have your child’s feet checked to make sure the in-toeing isn’t related to a neuromuscular condition, it isn’t something you should worry about. Very rarely does it cause pain or difficulty walking for your child. It doesn’t prevent him or her from learning to run or being able to participate and enjoy sports later in life, either. In fact, most children actually outgrow the problem altogether given enough time, and special braces or shoes don’t speed up this process. Our team with Yuko Miyazaki, DPM will help you monitor and manage your child’s foot health. Contact our Berkeley, CA, office online or by calling (510) 647-3744.