No, you cannot actually get rid of arthritis, but there are ways of finding relief from the pain and stiffness that comes from the ailment. Treatment options for relieving arthritic pain include:
- Exercise – It might seem as though moving when your joints hurt would be bad, but this is not the case. We can help you create an exercise plan to reduce pain by increasing the range of motion and flexibility of affected joints.
- Medication – Depending on your specific circumstances, we may prescribe various medications, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Some patients find relief with antidepressants.
- Corticosteroids – This treatment option can help by reducing inflammation and may be administered either with an injection or oral medication.
- Surgery – When arthritic pain is severe, and other options do not improve the situation, we may recommend a surgical procedure.
Arthritis can reduce the quality of your life and take away your ability to do your favorite activities (and also activities you might not like, but have to do). When this is happening to you, come see us for help. We will determine the best treatment for you, so contact our Berkeley, CA office by calling (510) 647-3744 or requesting an appointment online today.