For many of us, summer comes as an opportunity to take a well-deserved vacation, get outside, and just have more fun in general. So a foot or ankle injury arising around this time can be even more of a misfortune than normal.
The first and best step for any foot or ankle problems affecting your day-to-day life is to schedule an appointment with us promptly. We’ll help you address the root of the problem and get you back to full, comfortable action as quickly and as safely as possible.
But even better than quick treatment? Not having a foot or ankle injury in the first place! Some forethought and simple prevention tips can help reduce your chances of injury and get the most out of your summer.
We’ll start with something some of us don’t tend to think about until it actually happens: burns.
Preventing Burns on Your Feet
Berkeley doesn’t tend to have many scorching days during the summer, but that makes it easier to let your guard down when the mercury rises or you head off for a break somewhere that’s hotter.
Anytime you would be in a situation to use sunscreen, don’t forget to apply sunscreen to exposed areas of your feet as well.
While it’s true that our feet tend to be more covered up and have less direct exposure to the sun than other parts of our bodies, they can still get sunburned. Applying a good sunscreen (at least 30 SPF) at least 30 minutes before heading out into the sun (and not in the parking lot at your destination) will ensure you are better protected against burns and the long-term effects of prolonged sun exposure, such as skin cancer (which, yes, can also happen on your feet).Additionally, never walk barefoot on pavement or asphalt. Not only can it unexpectedly heat up on even a mildly warm day, but even walking barefoot on cool pavement can still easily hurt feet – especially the more vulnerable feet of young children and the elderly. Anyone who is living with neuropathy from diabetes should also be aware that they might not feel that something is hot enough to burn them.